"Non progredi est regredi."
If you want to achieve success, you cannot stand still. Constant growth requires setting new goals.
Once your business makes money, you should look for opportunities to scale and acquire new customer segments, launch new products, and even go abroad.
As an experienced strategic consultant, Marcin can provide you with:
"Buying what already exists and works well is cheaper than building the same thing from scratch."
Mergers and acquisitions have been present in the business world from the very beginning. Even the first traders knew that taking over smaller competitors or joining forces with them could bring various economic benefits.
When two companies compete with each other, they incur costs associated with fighting for customers, such as increased marketing costs, or revenue losses from lowering prices for customers.
When the same companies decide to join forces, they not only do not bear the costs of this competition but also gain a stronger market position. At the same time, they can benefit from mutual synergies and, for example, reduce their operating costs.
Another situation in which acquisitions are considered is entering a foreign market or starting the sale of a new product or service. In both these seemingly completely different cases, the same rule applies: buying an existing player is usually much more profitable than building a local branch - in the case of expansion, or building resources for a new business line.
In both cases, you risk not breaking into the market when you build from scratch. Therefore, buying a thriving company with its customers guarantees that the transaction will not end in business failure.
Working first at KPMG and then at the Family Office, Marcin participated in several projects related to investments and acquisitions. These included an investment in KarmaCheck - an American software company created by the cofounder of Linkedin, and advising on the sale of the largest news portal in Poland.
Marcin can help you with:
"Change is the only constant in life."
- Heraclitus
This perverse statement reflects the reality of all large companies. Some of the changes result from changes in strategy. Some are due to the need to cut costs (restructuring). Some are forced by new regulations. Some results from the process of digitalization. Still, others are created as a result of mergers and acquisitions.
In each case, it is something that never happens without pain. Every organizational change in companies requires good planning, as-is analysis, and development of a path from the current day to the final expected form.
Marcin has experience in planning and implementing changes, especially in the areas of human resources, sales force, and controlling processes. He was involved in both new process design, building new organizational structure, and implementation of the process automation.
Using this experience, he can help you:
"Absorb what is usefull. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own."
- Bruce Lee
Mergers and acquisitions are primarily associated with a financial transaction that ends when contracts are signed and money is transferred to the seller's account. However, it is what happens next that always determines whether a deal makes business sense or will fail. This is about post-merger integration, i.e. a set of activities aimed at properly combining the structures of existing companies.
This is a special type of business transformation, usually occurring only in one of the merged companies, which adapts its operational processes, procedures, organizational structures, and technologies used to the dominant entity in the transaction. It is post-merger integration that creates the expected synergies, which are one of the main goals of every acquisition.
Marcin participated in several post-merger integration projects. Among other things, in the creation of the Baxter spin-off, which was then sold to Shire and required prior adaptation to the buyer's structure, and in the merger of the sales forces of Algecco and Touax (now Modulaire Group).
Marcin can help you with: