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Marcin Maculewicz is a seasoned strategic and operational consultant, venture capital investor, entrepreneur, and active advisor to several startups. He specializes in crafting growth strategies, executing mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and supporting post-merger transformations.

With over 10 years of consulting experience, Marcin has collaborated with clients across diverse industries to solve complex business challenges and achieve strategic objectives.

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Marcin delivers Big 4 expertise with a focus on premium quality.

His service offer caters to a diverse range of clients: startups, scale-ups, established companies, and consulting firms. The methodologies he employs and the exceptional quality of his solutions stem from years of experience in consulting and investment funds, ensuring top-tier results tailored to your needs.

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The first international HR Tech Meetup

On March 23, the Brain Embassy hosted the first international meeting of HR Tech startup founders from Poland and Belgium in Europe. It was an opportunity to meet, on the one hand, founders of startups that either compete with each other daily or operate side by side without knowing that they could cooperate.

The event was attended by about 100 people, both founders and business representatives. The parBusiness representatives, both managers of HR departments in corporations and recruitment companies, also attended the eventticipants included founders of well-known and long-operating Polish HR-tech companies, such as Inhire, HRlink, Giglike and Symmetrical, as well as younger companies that are just gaining their first customers.

Picture from hrtech meetup

Cash-for-equity, Convertible notes, or SAFE — different models of investing in startups

In the life of every founder, there comes a moment when he or she has to ask him- or herself: how to get money for startup development. Sometimes it happens at the very beginning of the project when the founder only has an idea, sometimes only after years of developing the company, when the company needs money for scaling.

Of course, not every founder will decide to reach for external financing. If we were lucky, born into a wealthy family, or simply accumulated enough capital in our lives, we can opt for the so-called bootstrapping, i.e. financing the project with our funds. The vast majority of founders, however, are not so lucky and at the right moment decide to try to raise money for their startup.

Article cash for equity page

From juicer to C3PO. A simple explanation of where artificial intelligence begins.

Everything is AI now. At least, that’s what some startup founders think. However, in many cases, it turns out that there is only simple automation behind the AI phrase they use. To use the term artificial intelligence correctly, you need to understand what it is and what technologies it uses.

AI, machine learning, and robotization — you probably hear these buzzwords a lot. When I browse decks of startups trying to convince us of their ideas, I see them every day. I have the impression that the founders are using them as a marketing gimmick to get our attention. “We have AI, so we are cool!” These phrases are so popular that if there were a competition for the most popular words in business, they would probably take the top three places. But do we understand their meaning and use them properly?

Article from juicer page
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